
Funny Jeff Pics

Funny Jeff Pics 2

Funny Jeff Pics 3

Funny Jeff Pics 4

Funny Jeff Pics 5

Funny Jeff Pics 6


Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the 2000 "Puff out your chest and try to look tough" contest!


Jeff: "Dammit, why do *I* always have to wear the gay flowery pants?"

Jeff: "Dammit why does Matt always get to look all tough and manly? I can be tough too!"

"Oh no you didn't just diss my shirt! Hey! Stop that! it doesn't belong to Lita!"

Jeff just priar to winning a "Chubby Bunny" contest. (email me if you don't know what that means)

Jeff: "Lookit, Lita has boobies too!"

Jeff: "Crap...where did I put my manic panic? I mean god, I've had this hair color a whole week now..."

"And this is a picture of me and my Doggie...and that's my mommie next to me..."

*music playing softly in the background* "ZESTFULLY CLEAN!"

Jeff: "God Dammit Micheal! Why do I always have to wear the shiny shirt!?"

Jeff: "And then I flew on a diagonal past the pink Kitty, and he said *MEOW*!" Matt: "He really has done one too many Swantons..."

Matt: "What did you say about our tights!?" Jeff: "Do you have any idea just how unimasculating this is?"

Jeff: "What the hell is going on?!?! We're all silver!...wait a minute...who took my new manic Panic???"

Matt: "...But Jeff was so preoccupied comparing his and Terri's boobies, that he screwed it up." Jeff: "So what...I have nice boobies..."

Jeff: "Yeah that's right, we took off our shirts, that means that we mean business...come on, just bring it!"

Jeff: "Houston...we have a problem..." Matt: "Who's idea was it to let him near a mic?"

Matt: "Fear is only a Four letter word..." Jeff: *sigh* "I could be backstage right now admiring my new found boobies, but NOOO...."

Jeff: "Dammit, if only we'd have done the 'Angry Shirt Removal" tactic, we would have had it in the bag!"

"So what if I dyed my hair again??? You don't have to look at me like that!"

Jeff: "My boobies look *SO* damn good in this shirt!" Lita: "Why me?"

"I think I'll just sit here and ponder life...that sounds much better than just continuing the match."

Terri: "I have nicer boobies than you!" Jeff: "Excuse me??? Have you SEEN my boobies lately?"

"And I like to call this, the "My Boobies RULE" dance!"

This pic is for all those who doubt that Jeff has cute lil' boobies (Ria) LOL.

Jeff: "Whoa, are any of you guys seeing the messed up thing my hand is doing?"

"Screw the match, I'm going to sleep."

Jeff: "Well, the guy insulted my boobies, I HAD to try to beat him up."

*Jeff showing off his boobies for all the arena to see*

Jeff: "*GASP* You didn't just insult my boobies! Well you have split ends!" Christian: "Oh no you didn't!!!"

Jeff: "Ref, you know that I'm a sessy, sessy man!" *cough* Nikki *cough*